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Feeding The One Who Fed Me

During the month of January, 2018, I had the privilge of being in Virginia with my mother — the one who gave birth and life to me on January 17th, 1961. During my visit, she was not able to feed herself. I found myself feeding the one who fed me for so many years. She provided me with food, shelter, clothing, and education. She fed me even more by giving to me the Bread of Heaven. She offered to me the knowledge of God’s love fully revealed in Jesus Christ. She planted seeds of faith within my heart which would later be interpreted as a call to ministry. My mother was present to hear my borning cry. She witnessed my baptism, college and seminary graduations, and my ordination.

I will be with her again this  coming Labor Day weekend. She has asked me to be present with her, and to pray with her. By God’s grace, I plan to fly to Virginia on August 28th and return on Sunday afternoon, September 1st.

Rev. Richard Laster has graciously agreed to officiate at all three services of Word and Table. Richard and Susan are yet another gift of God’s unfailing grace and spiritual enrichment to Trinity UMC.